Nayab Tehsildar Senioriy List

Sno Subject Date
  Final Seniority List of NT (NTSP)as on 01-04-2023 Date 09-05-2023  
   Final Seniority List of NT (TSP)as on 01-04-2023 Date 09-05-2023  
  Provisional Seniority List of NT (NTSP) as on 01-04-2023 Date 06-04-2023  
  Provisional Seniority List of NT (TSP) as on 01-04-2023 Date 06-04-2023  
  Provisional Seniority List of NT (NTSP Area) date 05.04.2022  
   Provisional Seniority List of NT (TSP Area) date 05.04.2022  

Order Regarding Correction in Final Seniority List of Nayab Tehsildar 23.09.2021

   Final Seniority List of Nayab Tehsildar  as on 01.04.2021  
   Provisional Seniority List of Nayab Tehsildar of TSP area as on 01.04.2021  
  Final Seniority List of Nayab Tehsildar (TSP) as on 01.04.2020  
  Final Seniority List of Nayab Tehsildar (Non-TSP) as on 01.04.2020  
   Provisional Seniority List of Nayab Tehsildar as on on 01.04.2017, 01.04.2018 and 01.04.2019  
   Provisional Seniority List of Nayab Tehsildar as on  01.04.2014, 01.04.2015 and  01.04.2016  
   Final Senioriy list of Nayab Tehsildar dated 01.04.2019  12.06.2019
   Fianl Seniority list of Nayab Tehsildar dated 01.04.2019 25.04.2019
  Seniority list of Institution Nayab Tehsildars Date of 01.04.2014, 01.04.2015, 01.04.2016 and 01.04.2017  01.11.2017
  Interim Seniority list of nayab tehsiladar from 01-04-2014 to 01-04-2017 27.09.2017
  Seniority list of Institution Nayab Tehsildarsfor the date of 01.04.2012 and 01.04.2013 20.09.2016
  Seniority list of nayab tehsildars the date of 01.04.2012 to 01.04.2013 22.06.2016